Monday, February 23, 2015

Grater Kitchen Gadgets

 - Includes One New Mesh
 - Found Under Paintings for $5

* Basegame Compatible & Recolorable

* Download File contains Text File of Policy, Games Installed, Programs used to create, etc.

Download Here

Grater Kitchen Gadgets

 - Includes One New Mesh
 - Found Under Paintings for $5

* Basegame Compatible
* Not Cast-able

* Download File contains Text File of Policy, Games Installed, Programs used to create, etc.

Download Here

Grater Kitchen Gadgets

 - Includes One New Mesh
 - Found Under Paintings for $5

* Basegame Compatible

* Download File contains Text File of Policy, Games Installed, Programs used to create, etc.

Download Here


  1. Lovely object as always Tami thank you, Régine (aka motoreguzzi) !

  2. I am so ecstatic and excited that you are still creating and that you are still going to be around period!!! Always enjoy and love your creations!!! Thanks so much!!!

  3. Thank you for visiting! It's always nice to read comments and hear "thank you"! Of course I'll still create, I have too much time on my hands and my other hobby of reading would only lead to the opening of my own library or empty bank account! Oh wait, I guess cooking would be a hobby as well...but I honestly don't want to "Roll" my way through life.

  4. Glad to see you in your new home...Wish you all the best...
